Hall B
Section 4: Use of PMUs to improve the efficiency of the electric power system (continue)
D. Dubinin Д.М. Дубинин (SC «SO UPS», Russia)
A. Mokeev (Energy Systems Institute (ESI) SB RAS, Russia)
S.4-15. Research on the possibility of improving transmission line parameter estimation in a synchrophasor-based fault location algorithm
I. Ivanov, F. Kulikov, A. Murzin (IGEU, Russia)
S.4-16. Synchrophasor measurements and digital substation technologies Integration
М. Petrov, A. Nemkovich (Parma, Russia)
S.4-17. Development of System for Monitoring of Automatic Excitation Regulators in UPS of Russia
F. Gaidamakin, R. Kadyrov, D. Utkin, A. Negreev ("AlteroPower" Ltd., JSC «SO UPS », Russia)
S.4-18. Using of synchronized vector measurements in the development of methods for damping low-frequency oscillations in power systems
M. Savvatin, T. Klimova (SO UPS, MPEI, Russia)
S.4-19. Multifunctional IEDs with digital substation and SPM technologies support
D. Ulyanov, V. Bovikin, A. Miklashevic, A. Mokeev, E. Khromtsov (Engineering center «Energoservice», NARFU, Russia)
S.4-20. Refinement of the power system state estimates using synchronized phasor measurements
A. Glazunova, E. Aksaeva (ISEM SO RAS, Russia)
S.4-21. Defining the power system frequency static response slope based on transient synchrophasor data
A. Berdin, A. Gerasimov, A. Zhukov, P. Kovalenko, A. Yudin (AlteroSmart LLC, JSC «STC UPS», «SO UPS», JSC, Branch of «SO UPS», JSC – Ural Interregional dispatch office, Russia)
S.4-22. Using Phasor Measurements to Implement the Digital Substation Protection Functions
K. Aprosin, A. Tavlintsev, S. Semenenko (Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin», Russia)
S.4-23. Application of SPM for digital distribution networks
S. Piskunov, P. Andreev, A. Miklashevich, D. Ulyanov, A.Mokeev («Engineering center «Energoservice», 2Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Russia)
S.4-24. Discrete Fourier Transform options for enhancing the application of PMU measurements
V.Revyakin, S. Pletnev, T. Klimova (MPEI, Russia)